Amazon の Kindle で"One-Stop Guide to PowerPoint 2016" の発売を開始いたしました。本テキストは、「パワーポイント まるわかり 2016」の英語版テキストです。


"One-Stop Guide to PowerPoint 2016" is in stores now.

PasoCollege's new textbook "One-Stop Guide to PowerPoint 2016" is now released on the

《One-Stop Guide to PowerPoint 2016》

When learning by this textbook, you will acquire basic technique to make presentation slides using PowerPoint 2016.

Contents Introduction

Presentations are given today in many different situations, such as in the introduction of new products, in company training, and in research presentations at schools.
It is important to make the main point simple and to convey it as clearly as possible, as well as to make the presentation so impactful that it will leave a strong impression.
PowerPoint is a computer application that will enable the user to easily prepare persuasive slides. This textbook will teach the readers to quickly learn all of the operations necessary to make presentation materials.
